Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin & Hair

Hi Everyone!! This post will share amazing Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin & Hair

Ashwagandha also known as “Indian Ginseng” or “Indian Winter cherry” is an evergreen shrub that grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. It is one of the staples of ancient Indian medicine and its use be traced back to 6000 BC. It not only offers a plethora of health benefits but also offers various benefits for our skin and hair.

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin & Hair

Ashwagandha is considered the ‘King of Ayurvedic Herbs’ but what makes it so special? Let’s see some interesting facts about it.

  • The plant’s every single part offers various benefits in some way or other.
  • The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Ashwa’ meaning horse and ‘Gandha’ meaning smell. So, the name translates to ‘the smell of the horse’ which refers to its unique smell and ability to increase strength and vigor. 
  • It is considered a Rasayana according to traditional Indian classification which means it helps to increase the lifespan.
  • Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen by Modern medicine as it helps the body to manage stress.
  • It is also classified as Bhalya which means something that increases strength.

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin

These days, Ashwagandha is rated high on every millennial skincare that promises beautiful, glowing skin.

1. Antidote To Skin-Stress

Stress has adverse effects on the skin and leads to skin-aging. Whenever we are in stress for a longer duration, it affects our immune system thereby making our skin more irritable and inflamed. Ashwagandha has anti-stress properties due to the presence of alkaloids and lactones in it and it is an adaptogen that helps in managing the effects of internal and external stressors. So, it is helpful in preventing the aging of the skin.

2. Treats Acne

Acne On Skin

Next, on the list of benefits of Ashwagandha for skin is that it can treat acne. There are various factors that can cause acne such as stress, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, anxiety, weak immune system, etc. Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that help in correcting the endocrine system from within and can treat stress-induced acne.

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3. Anti-Aging


Ashwagandha is rich in antioxidants that help in protecting the skin against free radical damage and slow down the aging process thereby making the skin look more youthful.

4. Cleanses Skin

Dirt and impurities clog the pores of the skin that can lead to acne, whiteheads and blackheads. Ahwagandha contains compounds called withanolides that help to clean dirt and impurities from the skin thereby making it look clean and clear.

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5. Offers Glowing Skin

Furthermore, on the list of amazing benefits of Ashwagandha for skin is that it can offer radiant and glowing skin. This is because it has antioxidant properties, helps in boosting the circulation of blood and immunity.

6. Treats Cuts & Bruises

Ashwagandha can heal wounds. You just need to prepare a mixture of ashwagandha powder with water and apply it as an ointment on the cuts, bruises and wounds.

7. Moisturises The Skin

Ashwagandha stimulates DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone which is an important hormone to ensure the healthy production of the skin’s sebum, or natural protective skin oils thereby keeping the skin moisturized. So, it is an excellent moisturiser for dry and rough skin.

8. Keeps The Skin Hydrated & Supple

Ashwagandha stimulates the production of hyaluronan that helps in keeping the skin hydrated & supple and also boosts the production of collagen that helps in keeping the skin young.

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These were some amazing benefits of Ashwagandha for skin.

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Hair

9. Improves Scalp Circulation

Ashwagandha helps in enhancing the blood circulation to the scalp thereby promoting hair health. Just add a few drops of the oil or powder to your shampoo and apply it on your scalp. It will not only help to relieve an irritated or inflamed scalp but also assists in healthier hair growth.

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10. Prevents Hair Fall & Breakage

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Hair - Treats Hair Fall

Stress is one of the major causes of hair fall and hair breakage. As shared above, ashwagandha helps in reducing the harmful effects of stress on the body thereby reducing hair fall and making hair stronger.

11. Prevents Premature Graying Of Hair

Next, on the list of amazing benefits of Ashwagandha for hair is that it helps in boosting the production of hair melanin which is a pigment responsible for giving natural colour to your hair thus preventing premature graying.

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12. Treats Dandruff


Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in treating dandruff and other scalp conditions. Prepare a mixture of ashwagandha powder with warm distilled water and apply it on your scalp and hair. Cover your scalp with a shower cap and let the mixture on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse it off.

So, these were some amazing benefits of ashwagandha for skin and hair. Introduce it into your skincare and haircare regime and the effects of its miraculous qualities will start to show in no time.

Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Skin & Hair

Review Description

Know these benefits of ashwagandha for skin & hair. Introduce it into your regime & its miraculous effects will start to show in no time.

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